Hire 01622 861626
Sales/Install 01622 863344

Hire 01622 861626
Sales & Install 01622 863344

New office & warehouse

Due to our expansion and stock additions especially over the last couple of years we found it increasingly difficult operating from our old Caring Lane warehouses, especially over the summer months when multiple trucks would swamp the yard! After searching for a year to find the perfect spot we finally settled on a new warehouse and offices just up the road (less than 10 mins in fact) in Harrietsham. Still J8 from the M20, much easier to find a lovely location.

Our new warehouse boasts many new facilities greater space for storage and prep, The offices even have central heating! plenty of parking and we can see in artics all day long.

Why not pop over and say hello!

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"Well 15000 punters cant be wrong now can they? You guys are awsome"

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